scratch build contest: Micro Radian (Finished) Scratch and Kit Built Aircraft.
A new low budget slope measuring instrument, the Developmental Long Trace Profiler (DLTP), was recently brought to operation at the ALS Optical Metrology Laboratory. The design, instrumental control and data acquisition& ...
Le moteur Piezo LEGS Rotary 80mNm est un moteur piézoélectrique rotatif dont la résolution est de l`ordre du µ-radian. Très compact, il...
aDepartment of Materials Science, Moscow State University, Leninskie Hills, 119992 Moscow, Russian Federation,bVan`t Hoff Laboratory for Physical and Colloid Chemistry, Debye Institute for Nanomaterials, University of Utrecht 8, 3584 CH& ...
scratch build contest: Micro Radian (Finished) Scratch and Kit Built Aircraft.
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